Okay I have waited for the bugs to be worked out, I have commented on some diaries and recommended quite a few, so I am ready I am mad about the union bashing activities of Ohio and Wisconsin, it seems Ohio will push their anti union law across the finish line before Wisconsin does, it passed their Senate by one vote and they also have a Republican majority so Kasich will get his win.
It also turns out Walker is not so much about just busting the union he is also pushing vouchers for private schools for rich people that instead of covering families that made less than 38,000 for a family of 4 he is removing the caps and all children will be covered at private schools under the state voucher system where the parents will get back 66% of the tuition thus depriving the local school districts of the funds they should have received if the child went to public school, who will pick the students of the private schools the admission boards of course and it won't be by lottery, the kids admitted will be by the parents who are screened and the kids admitted on "merit" the merit of who they are and who their parents know and how much money they have.