When I decided to drive to Madison for the Progressive editorial/Wisconsin fight back conference, I decided I would stop at a couple of occupy demonstrations on the way. It took me about nine hours to reach Columbus, Ohio from Lansdale, PA.
When I arrived in front of the Ohio Statehouse, I saw approximately fifteen occupiers holding their signs high for what a majority of Ohioans and Americans throughout the country want. The end of corporate money flooding the campaign coffers, they want the repeal of Gov. Kasichs anti-union legislation SB5. They want millionaires and billionaires to pay more taxes just like 64% of Americans feel according to a CBS news poll, healthcare and jobs with a livable wage. Most importantly according to one of the signs, they want a new deal. They want the government to work for real people again, not this imaginary corporate personhood.
According to the pamphlets that the occupiers handed out, they have a bold plan for gaining awareness for their cause in Ohio. Starting saturday, October 15 at 11AM they plan to encircle the state house in Columbus. How long do they plan to remain at the capitol...according to the pamphlet, until Democracy is established.
While observing the occupiers interact with people passing by I saw something that surprised me. A state capitol police officer passing by on his bike and interacting cordially with the occupiers. Unlike the stories of the arrests coming out of NYC, it appears police in this country can interact in a peaceful way with occupiers. These occupiers have taken to the streets to fight for these officers, who are part of the 99 percenters that the movement is fighting for.
Outside of the Capitol, I met a woman in a wheelchair supporting the occupiers and handing out homemade keychains in return for a donation to a veterans organization, just 4 vets. No matter what donation you could spare, big or small you got a keychain and a smile from this lady. These are the people that House Majority leader Eric Cantor has referred to as a mob.
Disabled vets handing out keychains, taxpaying citizens exercising their right to assembly in order to petition their grievances on being forgotten by their elected officials, working people demanding the right to collectively bargain. These people aren't a mob Mr. Leader, they are the body politic of this great nation. They are who you represent. They represent the 99% that most republicans and many democrats have forgotten. God willing their petitions will receive the redress that will continue making our nation, the greatest nation on earth. If you are in the Columbus area on saturday October 15th, stand in solidarity with these people who occupy the state house for you.
Pictures from OccupyColumbus can be seen at www.progressmoshuffle.org under the OccupyColumbus article.