In March 2009, my 13 year old cousin Esme Kenney was out jogging near her home in Cincinnati when she was abducted, raped and murdered by a serial killer named Anthony Kirkland. During the aftermath, my family -- intelligent, thoughtful people from all sides of the political spectrum -- did a lot of thinking, research and activism around issues of criminal justice policy at the state and federal level, and came to some conclusions that we have been pressing for in Ohio and elsewhere. We have a Facebook presence that's 4000 people strong, and I just blasted out a message using the "message all members" feature this morning that is below the fold, and that I could use some help with disseminating more widely.
The interesting thing for this group is, it casts the issue of SB5 as flawed because 1) it's terrible criminal justice policy and 2) because it's terrible fiscal policy, both of which are supposedly core values of Ohio conservatives. This bill is still defeatable, and my people ready to go to bat against it. Are you with us?