On Wednesday, February 16th, Governor Quinn presented a proposed state budget that cuts immigrant services by 74% over the budget two years ago, with a 56% cut proposed for next year alone. Refugee services are scheduled for a 69% cut next year. These cuts will directly hurt thousands of immigrant families across Illinois.
The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, and Latino, Polish, Asian, African, and other immigrant groups across Illinois unite to:
Ask the State to correct this terrible mistake and restore immigrant services to FY ’10 levels. Send a fax here, and call the Governor’s office at 312-814-2121 (Chicago) or 217-782-0244 (Springfield).
The impact of 74% cuts in immigrant services:
47,052 fewer families will have access to basic services this year – as guaranteed to them by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
This includes:
- 6,462 more kids will go hungry this year, due to decreases in SNAP funding;
- 17,490 fewer mothers will receive pre- and post-natal care, basic care that saves money and lives.
- 3,998 fewer immigrants will become U.S. citizens through the New Americans Initiative. Naturalized immigrants speak English better, earn more, and pay more in taxes. The new taxes generated for Illinois by this program alone are estimated to be $34 million a year.